How can you support?
The needs are changing on a day-to-day basis. Please contact Ihor’s team to know what the current needs are or to get more info on the practicalities of buying/sending equipment and ambulances.
Our achievements in numbers
Financial support
You can support the mission Ihor Vitenko financially, this will allow him to purchase equipment and medical supplies that are currently needed in the hospitals of Ukraine.
Or it will be used to fund an ambulance, which is much needed at the front lines. Some of the delivered Ambulances got already destroyed, the need for ambulances keeps growing.
Wire transfer
Name: Mission Ihor Vitenko
IBAN: BE12 3632 2034 0792
Transfer notice: Your name or company name
Drop off locations
For material in bulk (pallets, trucks, Hospital beds, …), please send us an email to contact@ihorvitenko.org
For smaller deliveries you can find all the locations where you can drop off your goods.
These will be delivered and distributed between hospital in Ukraine. Please keep an eye open on our Facebook page to see where they ended up and people thank you for your support!
4 / West-Vlaanderen
Contact Andrey (0487 98 45 67)
2 / Antwerpen
Oekraïne Project Edegem
De Burletlaan 2650 Edegem (on the oppositie side of number 179). Every Tuesday from 9:00 to 17:00. Drop off medical goods with the message that it is meant for the Mission Ihor Vitenko -
Contact Marc (+32 475 51 79 52) -
Contact Khrystyna (+32 491 91 95 71) or Kristof (+32 496 20 00 13)
3 / Limburg
Kristof (+32 465 00 37 83) -
Rudy Nelissen: stuur een berichtje
4 / West-Vlaanderen
Contact Andrey (0487 98 45 67)
1 / Gent
Foreestelaan 3/D
9000 Gent -
Ihor Vitenko's medical practice
Steenvoordestraat 49, 9070 Heusden